Personal Journey
So glad you are here and want to get started. Here are a number of tools and resources for you. Here’s the breakdown:
- The Experience: 40 Day Worship Experience (40 DWE)
- Course 1: Experience God’s Love
- Book: Be with Jesus 365
Start with the 40 Day Worship Experience to cultivate daily time with the Lord. This will lead to deeper opportunities to develop intimacy with God! All other resources are there to support your 40 Day Worship Experience.
A deeper relationship with God starts here.
Begin with the 40 Day Worship Experience
- Give God the first 15 minutes of your day.
- Learn a tangible way to cultivate a heart of surrender.
- Understand what it looks like to build a relationship with your Creator that is dynamic, genuine, and fresh.

Transformation Stories
“The 40 Day Worship Experience shifted my entire perspective on how I interact with the Lord. Even as a Bible college student, this challenge led me to deeper and more intentional times with the Lord. Being with Him changes everything!”
Nathan Lorenc
“As I think about the last 6 years of doing the Surrender Prayer and the 40 Day Worship Experience, is that it changed my life forever! It is now how I start every morning and His presence and revelation of His Word have increased in a more tangible way in my spiritual walk! I recommend everyone giving it a try. It will change your life!”
Doug Cotton
“I read his book Be With Jesus 365 and I started the 40 Day Worship Experience. It has transformed my devotional life and intimacy with Jesus. While I had daily times of spiritual practices and prayers and devotions, I didn’t feel it was leading me toward more intimacy with Christ. The inclusion of worship in my morning devotional times has created greater intimacy. I am forever grateful.”
Steve Ruetschle
Frequently Asked Questions
If you want a little more direction as you begin this journey, here are a few common questions people ask. We hope these are a beneficial resource to you. If you still have a question, reach out! We respond quickest to direct messages on Facebook and Instagram.
What is the 40 Day Worship Experience made up of?
The 40 Day Worship Experience devotional primers are short videos to encourage you in your time alone with the Lord. Watch one each day. They will support you on the 40DWE. God is doing something new in your life each morning. You are opening up your heart to His. Your time alone with God is the most important part of your day! Let the videos encourage your heart to press on and keep meeting with the Lord. You will see changes happening in your heart as you sit with Him!
Do I need to do the experience alone?
No, you do not have to walk through this alone. In fact, we love seeing people connect with others through this process. We call this "linking shields."
The concept of linking shields goes back to the time when the Roman soldiers would link their shields to protect themselves as they advanced towards the enemy. When we join forces with those around us, we become stronger than we would on our own.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 NLT).
Join the Facebook group and be encouraged by others who are meeting with God every morning. Also, ask a friend or two to go on the 40 Day Worship Experience with you. Have them text you, “Good morning,” when they are meeting with God. Text them back, “Good morning,” when you are meeting with God. It’s that simple!
Is there some sort of introduction to the 40 Day Worship Experience?
Yes, we have created an intro page to explain our approach to this experience. You don't have to read through it to get started on Day 1, but it is available on our resources page if you're interested.
This will give an overview of the 40 Day Worship Experience (40 DWE). Read this before you start to catch the vision for meeting each morning with God for the next 40 days. Give God the first 15 minutes of your day, surrender your will to His, and open up your heart to his love. The page will give you practical suggestions for starting the 40 DWE. This will be the beginning of experiencing God’s love in a new way.
What do I do for the 40 days?
Each day, you will receive an email with thoughtful content and Scripture to prompt your time with God. We also include a link to the Surrender Prayer to start your quiet time off and a link to the Facebook Group in case you want to connect further with community.
You can preview what those prompt emails include here: Prompt Preview
Praying is intimidating to me. Where do I start?
Surrendering our will over to God’s will is such a critical and essential part of our relationship with God. It allows God’s love to flow into our hearts. But, that doesn't mean it isn't daunting to many of us. That is why we wrote a guiding Surrender Prayer.
This Surrender Prayer (linked below) has been used by many to guide their daily surrender to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It focuses on giving God the full control of our lives and defeats the insurgence of the flesh—our old nature—into our thoughts and feelings. There is a longer and a shorter version. Both will help guide your first thoughts toward God, allowing you to receive his love afresh. This is the best way to begin the day.
Do I need the book to complete the experience?
The Be with Jesus 365 book is meant to supplement your walk with God and flows nicely with the 40 Day Worship Experience, but you can definitely work through it in your own journal if desired.
Discover a relationship with your Creator that is dynamic, genuine and fresh. The book is about approaching God with simplicity and candor. It is about going beyond religion, ritual, and packaged prayers. You will learn to draw near to God through prayer in an atmosphere of worship—and as you do, you will enjoy your spiritual journey like never before.
This book will be used with the class, “Experiencing God’s Love.” A 40 Day Journal and Study Guide Questions for each chapter are included.
Find out more about the book and how to order it here: Be with Jesus 365 Book >>
What about the class? How does that fit in?
The class will help you grow closer to God and know Him in a more intimate way. It covers 7 simple steps to intimacy with God. You will see how spending time alone with God every day will transform your life.
The class complements the book quite well, so it is easiest to go through those together. However, you can work through them simultaneously or in any sequence you decide.
There are 9 classes. Listen to one class each week and implement the content on a daily basis. Enjoy the journey of drawing near to God. Our goal is to meet with God for the first 15 minutes of the day, for 40 straight days. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day! Just start up again the next day. Remember, God waits all night for you to get up, and He wants be with you!
I think I'm ready for the 40 Day Worship Experience. Now what?
Our 40 Day Worship Experience page outlines it in clear steps.
- Read the Introduction Page
- Commit to Spending Time Each Day
- Receive Daily Prompts
- Grow Deeper as you Spend Time with God
When you're ready to sign up, provide your name and email address here to opt in for the daily emails.
Dive Deeper

40 Day Worship Experience
Start each day in God’s presence surrendering your will to His.

Read the Books
To know God intimately and walk with Him completely by starting your day in worship and surrender.

Experience God's Love
This course will teach you how to enjoy your time alone with God as you respond to His love.